Nikoloz (Tato) Baratashvili (1817-1845) is a romantic poet. As a thinker and artist, Baratashvili led development of the whole XIX century literature in Georgia. According to Ilia Chavchavadze opinion, Baratashvili oeuvre started European vision in Georgian literature.
51 m2
კულტურული მემკვიდრეობის უძრავი ძეგლი; სახელწოდება: ნიკოლოზ ბარათაშვი;ლის სახლ-მუზეუმი; აგების თარიღი: მე-19 საუკუნის დასასრული; რეესტრში შეტანის თარიღი: 11.10.07; სააღრიცხვო ბარათის/ პასპორტის №010407140

XIX century memorial building is located in one of the oldest and picturesque Kala-district (17 Chakhrukhadze Street). This historically important place full of the old monuments is distinctive by national diversity of the population. The museum is bordered VI century monument – Anchiskhati church, also one of the gates ruins of ancient Tbilisi; Baratashvili contemporary historian’s Platon Ioseliani house, next there is the king Irakli II- square, where was Baratashvili mother’s and uncle’s, Efemia and Grigol Orbeliani two-story house; St. George's Church at the court of the last king of Georgia - George XII.
The museum houses life and work-related materials of a romantic poet Nikoloz Baratashvili (1817-1845 ) including epochal things, furniture, folk musical instruments, XIX century grand piano, paintings, the first editions of the poet's works since 1876, photos, a variety of classical manuscripts, books and other auxiliary materials. Among the exhibits of the museum are: two photos - one is the poet's muse Ekaterine Chavchavadze’s literary salon in Tsarskoye Selo and other is Classic Gymnasium; the first edition of Baratashvili’s poem collection published in 1876; George Leonidze’s scientific manuscript dated 1935; Invitation to the 100th memorial day of the poet death in Tbilisi Opera and Ballet theater dated 10.21.1945.
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization – UNESCO, has included Nikoloz Baratashvili’s anniversary date – 200th anniversary since has birth, into the list of cultural events of international importance in 2017. The Union of Tbilisi Museums made the whole rehabilitation process of Nikoloz Baratashvili Memorial House-Museum in 2017. Renewed and re-exposed the whole space with animated holograms, on which Lira Production Studio worked for few months. The museum became the first multimedia museum space in Georgia. First time, in the exhibition space was used creative industry of modern Museography and 3D animation holograms. The renewed exposition aims to populate the name of Nikoloz Baratashvili involving modern technologies and methodology. The museum opened on 4th of December, 200th anniversary of Nikoloz Baratashvili.
Admission to the museum is free by submission of the relevant document:
- For the children under the age of 6
- For Pensioners
- For ICOM member, for the staff of Georgian and foreign state museums
- For people with disabilities
- For the socially vulnerable and internally displaced people.